Artist Portraits: Manu Saluja (Class of 2013)
Manu Saluja, Class of 2013 Studio location: 4th Floor
Manu Saluja, Class of 2013 Studio location: 4th Floor
Samuel Detch, Class of 2013 Studio location: 3rd Floor
Blaise McGettigan, Class of 2013 Studio location: 3rd Floor
By Madeleine Hines (MFA 2014) Monday night was the New York Academy of Art’s Tribeca Ball. The annual event is held to raise money and generate exposure for the school and students. Attendees include art collectors, critics, faculty, family, friends and a host of celebs, including Joan Rivers, Parker Posey, Matt Lauer, Mary Kate Olsen, Cindy Sherman, and so… Read More
Alfred Rosenbluth, Class of 2013 Studio location: 3rd Floor
Gaetanne Lavoie, Class of 2013 Studio location: 4th floor
Christina Duarte, Class of 2013 Studio location: 4th Floor
In conjunction with the Tribeca Film Festival, New Yorkers and festival-goers alike will be able to view the artwork of thirteen contemporary artists to be given as prizes to winning Festival filmmakers. Stephen Hannock, David Kratz, Curtis Kulig, Gillian Laub, Robert Longo, Angelina Nasso, Erik Parker, Jose Parla, Joyce Pensato, Clifford Ross, William Wegman, and Dustin Yellin have each donated… Read More
Nic Bandy, Class of 2013 Studio location: 2nd Floor
Grayson Ronk, Class of 2013 Studio location: 2nd Floor
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