Thesis & Critiques

MFA Thesis

The MFA thesis project aims to involve students in the professional considerations of research and making artwork intended for exhibition. It constitutes a body of work intended to showcase the MFA candidate’s mastery of skills and personal vision. The Faculty Committee, in consultation with the individual student, selects one piece from that body of work for exhibition in the culminating MFA thesis exhibition.



Critical feedback is an essential component of the Academy’s curriculum, and the basis of instruction in thesis coursework. Conversations with Faculty, Senior Critics, Thesis Advisors, Visiting Critics offer new perspectives and approaches to inspire and advance the creation of more thoroughly conceived and masterfully executed work. Critiques include one-on-one exchanges, group presentations, discussions of aesthetic philosophy and demonstrations of applied technique.

Click here for a list of the Academy’s recent visiting critics.


"The figure is nothing unless you can twist it around like a strange miracle."

Willem De Kooning

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about the New York Academy of Art Graduate Program by viewing our catalogue.