Monthly Archives: October 2013

Artist and Teaching Residency for West Nottingham Academy – Thus Far

By Jacob Hicks (MFA 2012)  My excitement could not be tempered as my father helped me load up a U-haul rental with my current body of work in the early morning hours of an overcast Brooklyn morning.  I had received my Joseph Campbell-esque call to new adventure in the form of an artist/teacher-in-residence acceptance phone call from West Nottingham Academya… Read More

#2014Academy – First Year Experience Begins

By Camila Rocha (MFA 2015) Hello Academy Blog readers!  As a first year student, I will be writing to you honestly about my experiences. All the affairs, fate, happiness and lovelessness of my current life, hopefully my view can give you periodically an idea of how overwhelmingly brilliant is to be a Master’s of Fine Art student at the New… Read More