A Labor of Love

Year-round art is a form of love, but in honor of Valentine’s day here are some images of student work that have a romantic flavor. 

Krista Smith, MFA 2014
Elliot Purse, MFA 2014
Megan Ewert, MFA 2013
Daniel Bilodeau, MFA 2013

Joshua Gale, MFA 2014
Adam Cross, MFA 2014

Ilsa Brittain, MFA 2014

Justine Fisher, MFA 2013
Aaron Hexom, MFA 2014
Matt Stanton, MFA 2014
Alicia Brown, MFA 2014

Alonsa Guevara, MFA 2014

Jessica Benjamin, MFA 2014

Nikolay Koshelev, MFA 2014

Martin Saar, MFA 2014

Madeleine Hines (MFA 2014) will be blogging here throughout the year about her first year at the Academy and moving to New York City.  Check the label “First Year Experience” or “Madeleine Hines” for more posts about her first year at the Academy.