My works are reflections on time, I ask myself how important it is for me to maintain
the identity of the bearer of that time and culture, the era I belong to, how to strike a balance
between sensuality and crude irony, a sense of nostalgia and a pragmatically planned future
setting? I observe that visual memory for me is one of the most powerful postulates of my
In my works I turn more and more to the topic of memory. Childhood memories and
personal experiences are fundamental markers of my visual discourse. Observations – as the
foundation recreated on canvas embodied in a narrative.
I practice materials that I used in childhood, based on water (children in Russia
traditionally begin to paint with watercolors).
It’s important for me to immerse the viewer in a special atmosphere, to evoke a
sincere feeling of the experience, to point to certain markers of the era, accompanied by a
sense of nostalgia and melancholy.
Consciousness constantly encourages us to reflect on the theme of the beauty and the
ugliness, human complexes, relationships and experiences, my characters are not always
concretized, they are imaginative, leaving a field for reflection, compassion, sympathy and
sometimes even joy. They are endowed with hypertrophied traits, they are grotesque, they are
characterized by phantasmagoria, hyperbole.
The feeling of incompleteness, sometimes even frivolity, understatedness of the work
gives me a sense of freedom.
- Kristina Strunkova (MFA 2020)
- Kristina Strunkova (MFA 2020)
- Kristina Strunkova (MFA 2020)
- Kristina Strunkova (MFA 2020)
- Kristina Strunkova (MFA 2020)