The Academy experience is made possible in large part by philanthropy. Tuition alone cannot support an educational institution in New York without making it unaffordable. Your gift affirms the importance of the school and its mission and allows us to direct funds to where they are needed most.
Or contact us to arrange your gift by phone:
We are deeply grateful for your ongoing support of our mission of traditional skills
in the service of contemporary discourse.
Your kindness and generosity enables us to fulfill our mission.
Contribute By Mail
Please make your check payable to the
New York Academy of Art and address:
New York Academy of Art
ATTN: Office of Development
111 Franklin Street
New York, NY 10013
The New York Academy of Art is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit institution. Your gift is 100% tax deductible.
We thank you for your support.
More Ways to Support the Academy
Recurring Gifts
Many donors prefer the convenience and efficiency of a recurring gift—no checks to write and no need for stamps. Your recurring gifts can be charged directly to a credit card according to your designated schedule and may be cancelled at any time. For example, if you choose to make a recurring monthly donation of $25, your next donation of $25 will be automatically charged to your credit card every month. Once a year we will send you a record of your giving history for tax purposes and give you an opportunity to update your gift amount or the way you choose to pay it. Arrange your gift by contacting Stephan Korsakov, Chief Financial Officer , at 212-842-5978.
Matching Gifts
The value of your gift may be doubled if your employer has a matching gifts program. Please check your Human Resources department for details about a matching gift for the Academy.
Stocks or Appreciated Securities
You may donate appreciated stocks or even mutual funds to the New York Academy of Art. We are happy to accept stock certificates or electronic transfer of your shares. Please contact us for step-by-step instructions on how to transfer your shares.
Retirement Assets
Qualified retirement plans, such as IRA accounts, 401(k) and 403(b), are great assets for charitable giving, after your lifetime. If you leave these assets to family or friends, they will be highly taxed to that individual — but if you designate New York Academy of Art as the beneficiary, the assets will pass to us, tax free.