On May 31, Four Academy students arrived in China to start an 11-week Artist in Residence Program in Shanghai and later Beijing. Cory Dixon (MFA 2013), Megan Ewert (MFA 2013), Kristy Gordon (MFA 2013), and Nicolas Sanchez (MFA 2013) will share their experiences here throughout the summer.
We were grateful and honored for the opportunity to show along side extremely talented artists from the Academy including faculty and alumni. The line up consisted of current students of NYAA; Nicolas Sanchez, Megan Ewert, Cory Dixon, Kristy Gordon, Academy alumni and artists; Cao Yi, Wang Yi, Chong Wong, and Academy faculty; Harvey Citron, John Jacobsmeyer, and Laura Frazure.
work by Harvey Citron |
work by Kristy Gordon |
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work by Nico Sanchez |
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work by Megan Ewert |
Everyone showcased their work and individual focuses, but the entire show was brought together by utilizing the figure as a main source of reference. The work displayed an extensive range in scale from pocket sized sketchbook drawings to large ambitious paintings and installations. Different preferences in media included oil on canvas, drawings on paper, woodcut, 3D replicas, pastels, video, and photography. Just as diverse as the work was the installation process to secure our work in the large and striking space.
work by John Jacobsmeyer |
sketchbook by Nico Sanchez |
work by Cory Dixon |
Shortly after the opening Wang Yi did a quick online search and found a number of websites featuring an article about our exhibition. NYAA is online on 24 different websites in China!
http://www.ccdy.cn/xinwen/wenhua/xinwen/201207/t20120702_323356.htm (CCDY)
http://news.cqnews.net/html/2012-07/01/content_17040655.htm (CQNEWS)
http://www.sh.xinhuanet.com/2012-07/02/c_131689652.htm (XinHuaNET)
http://www.sh.xinhuanet.com/2012-07/02/c_131689652_3.htm (XinHuaNET)
http://news.timedg.com/2012-07/01/content_10888172.htm (TimeEDG)
http://www.cnarts.net/cweb/news/read.asp?id=226869&kind=%D5%B9%C0%C0 (CNarts)
http://www.dzwww.com/rollnews/news/201207/t20120701_7655284.htm (DZNEWS)
http://www.zjcnt.com/news/2012/07/02/188821.htm (ZJCNT)
http://news.xinmin.cn/rollnews/2012/07/01/15350881.html (XinMing)
http://www.qhnews.com/newscenter/system/2012/07/02/010814356.shtml (QHNEWS)
http://news.hexun.com/2012-07-01/143059385.html (HeXun)
http://www.chnmuseum.cn/Default.aspx?TabId=138&InfoID=82857&frtid=124&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 (ChnMuseum)
http://www.zjwh.gov.cn/dtxx/2012-07-02/128411.htm (ZJWH)
http://www.indaa.com.cn/sh2011/wh/201207/t20120701_1075763.html (INDAA)
http://culture.people.com.cn/n/2012/0701/c172318-18418787.html(People)http://www.zggxsh.com/bencandy.php?fid=4&id=2285 (ZGGXSH)
http://www.cc-art.hk/News_Showindex.asp?id=6685 (CC-ART)
http://roll.sohu.com/20120701/n346994930.shtml (SOHU)
http://news.163.com/12/0701/16/85BF8FD900014JB6.html (163)
http://news.china.com.cn/rollnews/2012-07/01/content_14930029.htm (CHINA)
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hqgj/jryw/2012-07-01/content_6324212.html (ChinaDaily)
http://www.artlinkart.com/cn/exhibition/overview/de2cyBso (ArtLinkArt)
http://news.sina.com.cn/o/2012-07-01/163224692686.shtml (SINA)
Most currently, we have picked up and moved to Beijing and working hard in our new studio on CAFA’s campus. We have only been here two weeks and have already done and seen a lot!