
The Sculpture Concentration provides students with a functional-working understanding of the conceptual and formal means of expression through study of traditional modeling of the human figure by hand. Direct observation of the body, supported by the study of anatomical structure, provides a platform for exploring the challenges of creating three-dimensional form and encourages the development of each student’s singular vision.

The curriculum offers offer a solid background in the processes, principles and hands on skills necessary to develop works of art that bridge tradition and find placement in a contemporary context. The core sequence begins with an emphasis on skill development in perceptual modeling while providing opportunity for and critical response to self-directed projects. In the second semester, students master life-scale figure modeling, contextualizing sculpture and integrating formal strategies into compositions with a study of historical precedence. Emphasis on discussion and critique with prominent figurative sculptors creates a dialogue on expression, metaphor and the role of figuration.

Click here for the sculpture curriculum and course descriptions.

Sculpture Concentration Core Outcomes

  • skill in perceptual modeling
  • 3D application of anatomical structure
  • ability to address problems in life-scale
  • ability to integrate multiple elements into compositions
  • knowledge of historical and contemporary sculpture approaches

Ian Martin

Chie Shimizu



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"The figure is nothing unless you can twist it around like a strange miracle."

Willem De Kooning

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