Author Archives: Nicholas Burkhalter

Eye to Eye

  The New York Academy of Art is pleased to present its renowned exhibition series “Eye to Eye,” featuring the collection of Susan and Michael Hort. Now in its sixth iteration, “Eye to Eye” asks a prominent collector to select works by Academy MFA students, which are then exhibited side by side with pieces from the patron’s own collection, selected… Read More

Robert Taplin: Selections from Three Series 1985-2024

“Robert Taplin: Selections from Three Series, 1985-2024” presents three distinct bodies of work linked by their narrative impulse. The first body of work comes from the mid-eighties with the emotional freight of that neo-expressionist era. They are made from forged steel plates that are hammered into hollow, free standing figures that appear to have emerged from the molten center of… Read More

Jessica Vollrath in Conversation with Dexter Wimberly

Jessica Vollrath Born in 1984 to an African American father and a Mexican mother, Vollrath grew up in a uniquely diverse household with 11 siblings, a Mennonite background, and a homeschool education.  She discovered her love of painting at around the age of 8, spending her free time experimenting with various art supplies her mother found at garage sales. At… Read More

Gendering the Non-Binary in Anatomical Images with Allison Hill-Edgar

Gendering the Non-Binary in Anatomical Images How does the visual representation of the human body in anatomical images play a role in our understanding of gender differences, particularly those of non-binary bodies? Anatomical images exist at the intersection of medicine and art, as well as observation and interpretation. As a result, they reveal much about the practices, beliefs, biases, and… Read More

Robert Taplin Exhibition Tour

The New York Academy of Art is pleased to present Robert Taplin: Selections from Three Series, 1985–2024, a solo exhibition highlighting the imaginative work of sculptor and longtime Academy Visiting Critic, Robert Taplin. The show will run from January 30 through March 9, 2025, as part of the Academy’s Winter Exhibition Series, with a tour of the exhibition featuring Robert… Read More

Keith Timmons Lecture Series: Abigail DeVille in Conversation with Monique Long

Keith Timmons Lecture Series Organized by Clifford Owens, Director of Critical Studies, New York Academy of Art This lecture series is supported by Keith Timmons, a Baltimore-based art collector, to convene Black artists, scholars, curators, and critics at the New York Academy of Art during the 2024 – 2025 academic year. Abigail DeVille’s most recent solo exhibitions, Prospect 6, The… Read More

Ali Banisadr Artist Talk

Ali Banisadr, born in 1976 in Tehran, Iran, emigrated to California with his family in 1988 at the age of twelve, where he became immersed in the local graffiti art scene while studying psychology. He later moved to New York City, earning a BFA from the School of Visual Arts (2005) and an MFA from the New York Academy of… Read More

Katherine Bradford in Conversation with Dexter Wimberly

Katherine Bradford’s mesmerizing yet rigorous visual language freely traverses the relationship between nonobjective and representational painting, allowing potential narratives to unfold and interweave with the investigation of form and color. Vast expanses of color divide her canvases into distinct horizontal planes while the variations in saturation and tone evoke an elusive yet almost palpable atmosphere. Lighter and darker hues are… Read More

Chubb Fellows at Art Basel Miami 2024

  The Chubb Post-Graduate Fellowship is the highest honor the New York Academy of Art can bestow on its students. Under the program, the Fellows have the opportunity to expand the breadth and depth of their artistic prowess while serving as teaching assistants and mentors to a new crop of talented figurative artists. Chubb Fellows also receive studio accommodations, exhibition… Read More

Wade Schuman Faculty Sabbatical Exhibition

In 1995 my parents bought an 18th century clapboard house on Bowie Hill, a hamlet of a few houses above a tidal marsh, in the very small outpost of Spruceville, in the tiny village of Popham in the not at all large town of Phippsburg, which is on a Peninsula southeast of Bath on the coast of Maine. My mother… Read More