Category Archives: Hilary Harkness

Hilary Harkness Master Class, Scenes from the Academy and More Progress

By Ian Factor (MFA 2014) Hilary Harkness Master Class, Vincent Desiderio Master Class, more gallery openings, visits with some second year students in studio, and the start of a large, 80″ x 96″ History Painting based on the ritualistic Samurai tradition of Seppuku. ( schedule is intense and getting more so by the day, so I hope you enjoy this… Read More

Does Painting Still Matter?

The best way to make a dramatic leap as an artist is to stop working. After Hilary Harkness‘ show at Mary Boone Gallery in 2011, she laid down her brushes for a full month and went to southern India. Personal transformation aside, she will never evaluate art the same way again.  Here are some ideas for ways to push your… Read More

Escape from Studio Lockdown: An Allegorical Tale of a Backpacker in Alappuzha

The best way to make a dramatic leap as an artist is to stop working. After Hilary Harkness‘ show at Mary Boone Gallery in 2011, she laid down her brushes for a full month and went to southern India. Personal transformation aside, she will never evaluate art the same way again.  Here are some ideas for ways to push your… Read More

Escape from Studio Lockdown: In Search of Bhagyanath Chandroth

The best way to make a dramatic leap as an artist is to stop working. After Hilary Harkness‘ show at Mary Boone Gallery in 2011, she laid down her brushes for a full month and went to southern India. Personal transformation aside, she will never evaluate art the same way again.  Here are some ideas for ways to push your… Read More