Patrick Connors



Patrick Connors is a Philadelphia easel painter. A graduate of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and the University of Pennsylvania, his work is exhibited internationally and is included in both private and public collections. He is represented by Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia where his most current solo exhibition, “A Place Apart” was shown in December 2019. His grants include an Independence Foundation Grant, a Franz & Virginia Bader Fund Grant, an Oxford University Fellowship in painting and anatomy, a Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant for painting, the Samuel D. Gross/Thomas Eakins Award for Significant Contributions to Medicine and its Surrounding Culture by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, and the select alternate for a Senior Research Fulbright Scholarship for Italy. Among the institutions that he has been invited to lecture are Yale University Art Gallery, Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Drexel School of Medicine. He has taught at the Graduate School of the New York Academy of Art, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art: Manhattan and Rome Programs.

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"The figure is nothing unless you can twist it around like a strange miracle."

Willem De Kooning

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